Cute mouse! XD
It's Mac mouse.. expensive le...
And it's wireless and the battery can last for a long term...
It's smooth and curve.... *drooling*
My class finished early... A boring class indeed..
the lecturer juz talk like "presentation"
Then find my friend named Rain (is a human) at library.. XD
He's a Vietnamese and his name means Rain..
While he talking to his friend.. me culik his mouse hehe..
And then take pictures of the cute mouse..
And during that time the library's fire alarm rang..
Aduh~ Loud and noisy... (where's the fire?)
Then I tried use flash to take picture of the mouse
and it came out something cool..
The mouse looks transparent and I can see the pattern on the mouse NICE!
(Pattern of the table)
Then saw Amy from dance club ^_^ chit chat..
Then waiting Samantha to come to find me then went home together ^_^
- That's all... I think? XD -
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